Audycja #123

Playlista audycji numer 123 z dnia 2014-02-11

Audycja #123

1. Summertime SadnessWithin TemptationThe Q Music Sessions2013
2.BurdenMetusSource of Life2012
3.Broken WingsDarkwoodSchicksalsfahrt2013
5.Brompton OratoryMark LaneganImitations2013
6.FirelandAndrea SchroederWhere The Wild Oceans End2014
7.Walk Into The SilenceAndrea SchroederWhere The Wild Oceans End2014
8.DenverListen, Earthdemo2014
9.HoustonListen, Earthdemo2014
10.Earthcore ThresholdThese Are My TombsMorphosis2014
11.Digital NativeMoontaukMoontauk EP2014
12.Lost ForestMoontaukMoontauk EP2014
13.Honour LostEchoesHonour Lost - Single2014
14.Hands are for holding drinksAncient HistoryCompilation: My AweSOMe Birthday- 4 Years Old2014
15.UnconfinedClaudio CataldiCompilation: My AweSOMe Birthday- 4 Years Old2014
16.East BayThe Damn ChoirCreatures of Habit2014
17.I Won't Ever Go To Sleep AgainT E MorrisThe Long Distance Runner2014
18.The Long Distance RunnerT E MorrisThe Long Distance Runner2014
Corrupt!Bellvanian SymphonyAtmosphere (mini album)2013
20.Perfect DayAmanda Palmerlive2012
Playlista audycji 2014-02-11

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Archiwum audycji #123